LibraryNew Embrace Posted: August 12, 2023 07:06:08 PM Rating: General/Everyone Chapters: 6 Description: This is a ShadAmy roleplay I had been working on with Lord Mordrak. I operated the female characters while he operated the male characters.
After a battle with Eggman, Shadow remained behind to investigate the rubble to see if his suspicions were correct. The he bumped into Amy who had the same thoughts. They decided to work together and of course, their conversation displayed their opposite views about Sonic. Soon, Amy's views will be challenged. Sonic the Human: 50 Years Ago Posted: April 2, 2022 06:41:37 PM Rating: General/Everyone Chapters: 1 Description: The prequel to Sonic the Human: Recourse. This follows the events that took place on the Space Colony, Shadow's creation, his bonding with Maria, learning about the world around him and then the tragic moment... Sonic the Human: Recourse Posted: November 28, 2021 01:48:58 AM Rating: General/Everyone Chapters: 4 Description: The Sonic crew are in gijinka form and this takes place after the games. Maria is brought back from the dead but it isn't all rainbows and sunshine. Her return resurfaces some old problems Shadow thought he left behind and he has to make changes to accommodate his dearest friend. Maria still has NIDS and has to adjust to Earth life, and Shadow has to face confessing his wrongdoings to her.
This story is not intended for younger viewers and contains scenes that may be disturbing or triggering to some. Viewer discretion advised.
This story is also available in audio book format, complete with voice actors. ShadowxMaria OneShots Collection Posted: August 27, 2021 09:17:41 PM Rating: General/Everyone Chapters: 4 Description: A collection of one shot stories for ShadowxMaria. These were ideas not lengthy enough for their own story so I'm putting them together under one roof. There will be a wide range of genres and subject matters. Brother, Dear Posted: December 13, 2011 07:52:23 PM Rating: General/Everyone Chapters: 3 Description: Another installment of my stories having the cast from Sonic the Hedgehog all in human form.
Maria loses her parents and has to live with her grandfather, Gerald. However, Gerald had brought home one of his science projects from his lab: Shadow is a bit of a handful for the aging scientist. Would Maria`s presence be able to calm him down?
Watch as Maria makes a huge adjustment of having a big brother figure, new town, new school and making new friends while having to contend with Shadow`s less-than-acceptable social skills. Sonic X Japanese Script Posted: July 15, 2009 09:55:34 PM Rating: General/Everyone Chapters: 4 Description: These translations are from fan subs that I have stumbled upon. I am not the one who translated the Sonic X episodes. I have merely typed out what they had in the fansubs with minimal tweaking with my less-than-theirs knowledge of Japanese. So these scripts are 99.999999% copied from the fan subs. I have just brought them to text format for reading as I have yet to find any documents on the internet on the Japanese scripts.
Unlike when I had the scripts of Sonic OVA/Sonic the Movie (which I`m not sure if I want to republish or not), this one will not be describing actions. This is script only. I leave out Cheese because his language is the language of the chao - there are no translations and there isn`t much point for me to include his lines.
Warning - Because this is the translations of the Japanese scripts, swears and other material that may not be suited for all audiences is used. Proceed at your own risk - I`m not here to babysit you or anyone else.
Final note - Because this is the translation of the Japanese script, you may come across some sentences or expressions that are "odd". This is because it`s the translation of the Japanese script, not a re-write. Sonic the Human: Recourse Posted: October 23, 2008 12:12:49 Rating: General/Everyone Chapters: 35 Description: I was originally inspired to work on "The Shadow`s Rose", which still needs attention. Shortly after starting that, a new project, "Sonic the Human" was started, and has had many episodes done to it and still has a climax I need to continue. I began the prequel to "Sonic the Human" as my fandom for Shadow-Maria pairings exploded (I was always a fan of it but it really came to shine in the past 5 or 6 weeks). First, what started, was the prequel to "Sonic the Human" which puts Shadow and Maria together. Then started an upcoming project that TojothePanda and I have been working on for 4 weeks now "Enduring Solace". After about 3 weeks into it, I gained inspiration for this project, "Sonic the Human Recourse." I know it`s not any original or fantastic title, but this is basically an alternative to "Sonic the Human."
Only Sega Sonic characters are being used (no Sally or Chris) and everyone are in their human forms (if they aren`t human already), exceptions being beasts like Chaos. Enduring Solace Posted: October 21, 2008 17:41:34 Rating: General/Everyone Chapters: 19 Description: Funny story of how this came about. Long story short, it started off as an rp with me and TojoThePanda. The rp went so well that after 4 weeks of into it, we decided we would share it with others. I`m doing the story side of it and he is doing the comics side of it. The first page is already up so if you haven`t seen it yet, you should go see it!
Anyhow, this is a story about the Sonic characters. A twist - instead of just as their normal anthro selves, they are taller, having same height as the humans. That`s the only real difference. Only game characters are being used.
Note - I did not put a whole lot of effort in cleaning this up. It is a lot of material to go through and would require a vast amount of re-writing to make it "proper". You will have to excuse any "oddities" or misspellings or improper grammar usage. I will not make any repairs unless the mistake is really that bad enough to need it. Otherwise, this is pretty close to the original text as how we typed it up in the im window. Sonic the Human: 50 Years Ago Posted: September 11, 2008 11:37:36 Rating: General/Everyone Chapters: 14 Description: Due to inspiration from a flash animation someone did, I had to write this story. It will be the prequel to Sonic the Human and is based on Shadow and Maria on the Space Colony Arc. I know I have thrusted more romance into it than what really happened in the games and show, but it was something I just had to put down. I added a couple more twists to their adventure for fun and to be something to add more content for Sonic the Human.
I started this one while Episode 22 of Sonic the Human was being typed up. Most likely I`ll be flopping between the two. Maybe once the main event is done with Sonic the Human, I can finally continue The Shadow`s Rose. We`ll see what ends up happening.
Anyhow, like Sonic the Human, language and other stuff will be kept low. I don`t want that stuff getting in the way of the story. Also, because this is the prequel, Shadow will be human in this (also because some of the scenes just wouldn`t work if he was his normal hedgehog self).
I have checked the Sonic game manuals and "Arc" is how they spell it so that is the way I`m going to spell it. Sonic the Human Posted: July 30, 2008 10:04:35 AM Rating: General/Everyone Chapters: 24 Description: Yes, I`m simultaneously writing a Sonic fan story while I`m still writing the other one I have started (The Shadow`s Rose). And like the other Sonic fan story, this will involve only the characters that you see as official video game characters (sorry, no Sally and such).
Since the Sonic world seems to be mega popular with human versions of the characters (granted I have not actively sought them out but I haven`t seen human versions of animal characters in any other series), and I have been sucked into the fandom of it, I decided to make a story of the Sonic characters as humans. This is also a "I make this up as I go along" thing like the other story. Chances are this will have another Shadow-Amy pairing (or Shadamy, is it`s most commonly called) though I`m not 100% sure on it. A Jet-Wave pairing ideal was recently added in though it is not that much of a focus but I think I have made it obvious without getting too much into it.This will also be a sort of mixture of alternate universe with original universe (ie, the Sonic crew go to high school but the cities` names remain the same as well as structure, they will have a lot of their same abilities but with some limitation being that they are humans, etc etc etc).
Feel free to submit ideas and such as we go along. I will keep all story lines relating to the Sonic crew being human here in this literature. High chances no other literature I create will be based on them being humans.
Language will be kept low (ie, very little swearing). Sonic the Hedgehog - The Shadow`s Rose Posted: July 19, 2008 10:10:55 AM Rating: General/Everyone Chapters: 3 Description: Wow, I haven`t done a Sonic fanfic in ages. After a recent of events, I`ve been inspired to do a Shadow-Amy pairing. This is odd because in the past, I thought Shadow-Rouge. But lately I`ve decided on Shadow-Amy.
I`m going with the tradition of Shadow-Amy stories of involving their names in the title of the story. However, I want to steer away from one other tradition of Shadow-Amy stories by NOT making Sonic an abusive jerk. Abuse isn`t the only reason to stop chasing after someone and being abusive is not in Sonic`s personality at all. I will do my best to keep everyone in character as best as I can and I will also try to involve as many of the Sonic characters as I can without overloading or overcrowding things.
I will update this when the inspiration to do so comes along. I`m making this up as I go so not even I know what is going to happen. Mad Libs Stories - The Best Of Posted: June 7, 2008 10:32:22 PM Rating: General/Everyone Chapters: 38 Description: I`ve done Mad Libs stories with several people over the years and many of the resulted stories are hilarious! I just had to share them. I hope you will enjoy them. These are the best Mad Libs stories that I and other people have completed. Poetry Collection Posted: January 29, 2008 09:16:48 PM Rating: General/Everyone Chapters: 1 Description: I`m not very good with poetry but I have managed to create some. I`m keeping all my poems together under one roof. Each poem has a different message and different moods with different subjects, so my literature was placed under Misc for it`s variety it will have.
Some of these poems do reflect some feelings I have so be respectful. |