Beloved Doll - Art

Under the Surface

Submitted: March 15, 2008       Views: 598       Comments: 0
Rating: 9.88 (8 votes)
Category: Enomay Revelation

|| Enomay Revelation||

I had this really great description and then the site kicked me off as the submit button was being pressed. -_- I`ll re-enter some of the info but not all of it as it was a lot and am mad that it`s all gone.

This down-evo Anime image was meant to go with the rhino that was submitted previously but neither the rhino or Anime came out the way they were supposed to so now they are separated. This shows off well the stripe that runs along Anime`s spine though I think I made it a little too thin and this also shows off his tail markings well, too. This was good practice for cast shadows on multiple surfaces though it would have turned out better if I didn`t get lazy by that point and bs`ed the shadows.

Photoshop 7


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